Physiotherapy For Shoulder Pain

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Best Physiotherapist for Shoulder Pain Near You

Physiotherapy Treatment in Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi and Pune

Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain or frozen shoulder can be painful and can restrict your movement and other activities. That is why it is necessary to get yourself treated at the right time. Physiotherapy helps in healing and eliminating the pain. Different methods are used in physiotherapy. We at Capri Spine Clinic offer physiotherapy for shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, and other spine-related problems.


A frozen shoulder is stiffness of shoulder joints and pain. The pain can be severe if it is not treated at the right time. A frozen shoulder makes it difficult to do simple tasks like combing your hair, picking up things, reaching your back, etc.

In the initial stage of frozen shoulder, you will experience slight pain on one shoulder which usually gets increased during the night. But the pain will start increasing with a period leading to stiffness of joints and limited movement. It takes a few months for the joint to heal completely.


Frozen shoulder is generally treated with physiotherapy. Capri Spine Clinic offers various kinds of physical treatment to heal all types of spinal, neck, and joint pains. We have experienced physiotherapists who specialize in physiotherapy treatments. 

They give treatments after a proper diagnosis through physical examination. Physiotherapy treatment for frozen shoulder is done through manual therapy, exercises, manipulative therapy, etc. We offer these treatments at our clinics that have the latest technologies.


If you have time constraints, then we also offer physiotherapy at home. Having physiotherapy for shoulder at home will help you get the treatment in your comfort zone. Our physiotherapists give personal care and attention at your home. Physiotherapy at home is also economical.

Where to Look for Physiotherapy Centre?

Capri Spine Clinic has some of the best physiotherapists at their clinic who understand the importance of giving the right treatment to you. We use the latest technologies and techniques to eliminate the pain and avoid any risk that can be harmful to our patients. We also understand the importance of money and time, and hence we offer shoulder pain physiotherapy at home.

We believe in non-drugs treatment with the help of our specialized physiotherapists. Our therapists also provide post-treatment support to their patients through video calls, emails, and other modes of communication, whenever needed. We also share videos of exercises that may be required post-treatment and need to be continued at home.

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