Spine Treatment

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Spine Treatment

We make sure that we provide the best spine treatment is provided to you for all the spinal problem treatment near you

Best Spine Treatment without Surgery at Capri Spine

Spinal Stenosis Treatments | Spine Treatment | Survical Treatment in Delhi NCR

CAPRI spine specialist is a complete one stop solution for all your spine related problems. The spinal cord injury rehabilitation center has world class best spine doctors/therapists who are diligent and keen to provide you best of the treatments.

At CAPRI, we cater a large variety of spine care treatments without surgery including curved spine treatment, DISH spine treatment, cervical spine treatment and spine arthritis treatment.

What Is Meant By Spine Stenosis And How It Can Be Treated?

Spine stenosis is a type of condition that occurs when there is a narrow space within the spine. The state puts pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine leading to the severe pain in the back of the lower portion. Most of its symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness. However, such conditions may not be detected if the space within the spine is minimal, but in some instances, it may worsen over time, leading to unbearable pain.

The Cause Of Spinal Stenosis

Different conditions are responsible for this significant disorder.

  • Bulging discs
  • Arthritic spurs, and
  • Thickened tissues

The above condition compresses the nerves that travel along the spine and creates a huge pain or numbness when standing or walking. Spinal stenosis occurs in patients who have arthritis, injuries, and older adults. It reduces the lumbar curve making the spine to appear flat. This further lowers the capability of walking uphill or downhill or any activity that requires the movement of legs. And the relief is felt when you sit or bend forward.

Type Of Spinal Stenosis Treatment

  • Cervical Spine Treatment

Cervical pain occurs due to neck pain or any injury below head or neck, regular pain or numbness in legs or arms, fever, or headache. Along with neck pain and the stiffness in neck preventing one to touch chin to chest. The cervical problem treatment is done based on the symptoms, conditions, and physical examinations. It includes surgical or non-surgical procedures. The primary way to treat the disease is non-surgical one when the patient is not going through any trauma. The surgical cervical treatment is followed when none of the physical therapy is helping the patient to reverse or cope with the condition.

  • Spine Arthritis Treatment

The pain occurs in the facet joints of the spine or the sacroiliac joints between the spine and pelvis. The pain may appear anywhere in the spine but is more frequent in the lower back or the neck area. The treatment depends on the type of arthritis a patient is suffering from. Medical histories, physical exam, a blood test for any genetic disorder, X-ray, MRI, or CT scan are some of the diagnostic methods being followed in spinal arthritis treatment.

  • Degenerative Spine Treatment

It is an age-related condition that occurs when one or two-discs of the vertebrae deteriorate. The rubbery disc between the vertebrae that allow the natural movement of the back or help in shock-absorbing may no longer offer the protection to the spine. Loss of fluid and the change in disc structure are the factors that emerge with age and thus become the symptom of the spinal pain. It includes physical examination, losing weight, medications, and exercises. Facet joint injection is another way to treat the condition. Medical options for Spinal degeneration treatment include the injecting of steroids next to the damaged disc.

  • Lumbar Spine Treatment

The lumbar spine is the lower back of the spine that consists of five vertebrae. In this condition, the nerves passing through the lower back towards the legs compress. It worsens with the developmental cause, for example, a person at or above the age of 60 is most likely to be affected by this kind of problem.  The pain is originated due to the movement of legs, loss of normal bowel function, cramping in the legs because of sitting or bending forward, loss of motor functioning of the legs, etc. Surgical methods are adopted when spine treatment without surgery is indicated to be a failure for patients with a chronic disorder.

Most of the Spinal Stenosis Treatments include surgical and non-surgical methods. The methods, however, depend on the type of the spinal stenosis or the time with which the patient has been suffering from. Before actually opting for the surgical methods, physicians will suggest you start with exercises or the regular physical movements to enhance flexibility and endurance. Pelvic tilts, standing squats, and bends are often indicated for Spine Treatment as a part of a physical therapy program.

There might be several centers for spine treatment in India. But we are among the leading service providers working with the experienced doctors to provide you with the best treatment for spine pain. One can look for spine treatment in Delhi/Delhi NCR or even in India and can reach us or get the services with the prior appointment.

More Related Services

Kyphosis / Scoliosis / Lordosis

The spine has curvatures in order to have an effective loading and mobility. In case the curves are more than normal or deviate from the normal they can cause spinal problems

Spine Instability / Hypermobility

Spine has a limited amount of motion in four planes, incase there is a pathological increase in this or the position of the vertebra in respect to superior and inferior vertebra changes it is called as hypermobility

Spinal Stiffness / Hypomobility

Just like any other joint, the spine can also get stiff and cause a reduction in the movement, which in turn can cause pain at the spine or the nearby joints due to overcompensation

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

When there is any damage to the spinal cord of the body, it cause neurological deficits in the body and leads to loss of muscle and sensory power. 

Spinal Canal Stenosis (Lumbar & Cervical Canal Stenosis)

Reduction in the diameter of the spinal canal can cause compression of the spinal thecal sac leading to neurological problems like numbness and pain. Flexion based exercises are best for this!

Low Back Pain and its Management

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects of Back Pain Physiotherapy?

You may find that specific exercises worsen your pain. However, with Capri Spine physiotherapists, you are to be rest assured as your exercise programs are carefully monitored and as per your needs and requirements exercises are recommended to you.

Capri Spine has both expert and trained physiotherapists to treat and cure your lower back pain. So, there is a fraction or no room for side-effects during or after your treatment. 

You can trust Capri Spine for its treatment using the latest technology. Recurrence of back pain is not the problem but ignoring it, is. Now, get quality treatment from the expertise in lower back pain, the Capri Spine.

Is the same treatment given in all branches of Capri Spine Clinics?

The treatment offered at all branches of Capri is uniform & follows the standard treatment protocols developed exclusively by Capri as per international norms.

Is the treatment offered at other conventional physiotherapy clinics same like Capri Spine Clinic?

NO, the treatment given in Capri is definitely different from other clinics; Capri Spine Clinic is a professionally managed chain of Super Speciality Spine Clinics offering non- invasive drugless (without medicines & surgeries) treatment for all spinal disorders. We follow the combination of best concepts of manual therapy. Capri Spine Clinics are the best Spine clinics in Delhi. We utilize the best possible technologies to treat your problem. To feel the difference, you will have to walk in & see it for yourself.

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